1. Out of the following, which one is NOT the basic component of culture media used for plant cultivation?
      A) Complex mixture of salts

... Answer is C)
Serum albumin. "

2. Mark the INCORRECT statement about agar, a gelling agent in plant tissue culture medium?

... Answer is B)
It does not use in microprapogation work. .

3. Which of the following is NOT a plant growth regulator?

... Answer is C)

4. Which of the following is the main effect of cytokines in the tissue culture system?

... Answer is B)
Adventitious shoot formation "

5. Which one of them is NOT the main effect of polyamines in the tissue culture system?

... Answer is D)
Promotion of tuber and bulb formation. .

6.Which of the following plant hormone control fruit ripening? .

... Answer is B)
Ethylene .

7. Totipotency refers to...

... Answer is A)
Totipotency refers to capacity to generate a whole plant from any plant cell / explant..

8. The prevention of large scale loss of biological interity

... Answer is D)
(c) Biosafety

9. Cryopreservation means it is a process to preserve plant cells, tissues or organs

... Answer is C)
(c) at very low temperature of -196 by using liquid nitrogen. .

10. Solidifying agent used in plant tissue culture is

... Answer is D)
Solidifying agent used in plant tissue culture is Agar. "

11. Organogenesis is

... Answer is A)
Organogenesis is formation of root and shoots on callus tissue. .

12. Which of the following is used in the culture of regenerating protoplasts, single cells or very dilute cell suspensions?

... Answer is C)
both (A) and (B) .

13. In a callus culture

... Answer is D)
In a callus culture increasing level of cytokinin to a callus induces shoot formation and increasing level of auxin promote root formation .

14. Protoplasts are the cells devoid of ...

... Answer is B)
Protoplasts are the cells devoid of cell wall . .

15. In batch culture the cell number or biomass exhibits typical

... Answer is A)
Sigmoidal curve. .

16. In batch culture when the cell number or biomass remains unchanged is known as..

... Answer is C)
In batch culture when the cell number or biomass remains unchanged is known as Lag Phase. .

17. In batch culture when there to rapid increase in cell number is termed as:

... Answer is A)
In batch culture when there to rapid increase in cell number is termed as log phase. .

18. In batch culture when the cell number gradually declines is termed as: -

... Answer is D)
In batch culture when the cell number gradually declines is termed as Stationary phase. .

19. The continous culture is of

... Answer is C)
Both A and B .

20. Suspension cultures should be subcultured after every:

... Answer is C)
Suspension cultures should be subcultured after every 3 to 14 days. .