MCQ on TLC (Thin Layer Chromatography)

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Multiple Choice Question with Answers on  TLC

1. Which is not TLC development ?

A. Sandwich method

B. Horizontal

C. Teo dimensional

D. Column

2. Which is not an application of TLC ?

A.TLC can be successful used for isolation of vitamin like A,D,andE using silica gel.

B. Identification of drug.

C. Neomycin sulphate can be isolating on activated compound.

D. To determination of moisture.

3. In Iodine chamber, which colour spot are seen ?

A. Red colour.

B. Brown colour.

C. Yellow colour

D. Green colour


4. Half plate size is

A. 20×10 cm

B. 10× 10 cm

C. 20× 20 cm

D. 5×5 cm

5. Which method are used for suspension spraying ?

A. Pouring

B. Dipping

C. Spraying

D. Spreading

6. Capillary diameter is

A. 5 mm

B. 6 mm

C. 7 mm

D. 10 mm

7. Which temperature is required for activation of plate ?

A. 110-120 C°

B. 120-130 C°

C. 130-149 C°

D. 150-160 C°

8. Which is not Requirement of mobile phase?

A. It should be not toxic.

B. It should be easily available.

C. It should be chemically inert.

D. It should be chemically active.


9. How many time is required to dry TLC plate?

A. 15 minutes

B. 30 minutes

C. 10 minutes

D. 7 minutes


10. In quantitative T.L.C radioactive material can be studied by (GATE 1997)

A.    Visual comparison

B.     Gravimetry

C.     Densitometer

D.    Ginger counter


11. The stationary phase in thin layer chromatography is: - (Gate1993)

A.    Liquid held between glass

B.     Glass plate

C.     Silica gel

D.    None of the above

12. In TLC, initially the sample is

A.    In contact with mobile phase

B.     Not in contact with mobile phase

C.     Coated at the level of mobile phase

D.    Coated below the level of mobile phase


13. What is the principle of TLC ?

A. Partition

B. Absorption

C. Adsorption

D. A and B


14. Which sentence is false about TLC ?

A. It is very sample method

B. It is less time consuming.

C. Applied to allow type of sample.

D. It is very costly.


15. Which is not factor for choosing adsorbent ?

A. Nature of the adsorbent

B. Solubility of the adsorbent

C. Chemical nature

D. Temperature.


16. The m.p. is flow by

A. Capillary action

B. Partition coefficient

C. Temperature

D. All of the above


17. The components with more affinity towards the stationary phases is

A. Travels slow

B. Travels fast

C. A and B

D. None of the above


18.The components with less affinity towards the stationary phases is

A. Travels slow

B. Travels fast

C. A and B

D. None of the above


19. Chromatography is a physical method that is used to separate and analyse __________

A.    Simple mixtures

B.     Complex mixtures

C.     Viscous mixtures

D.    Metals


20. In chromatography, the stationary phase can be ___________ supported on a solid.

A.    Solid or liquid

B.     Liquid or gas

C.     Solid only

D.    Liquid only


21. In chromatography, which of the following can the mobile phase be made of?


A.    Solid or liquid

B.     Liquid or gas

C.     Gas only

D.    Liquid only


22. Which of the following types of chromatography involves the separation of substances in a mixture over a 0.2mm thick layer of an adsorbent?

A.    Gas liquid

B.     Column

C.     Thin layer

D.    Paper


23. Chromatography cannot be used to purify volatile substances.

A.    True

B.     False


24. Chromatography cannot be used to separate delicate products.

A.    True

B.     False


25. In Thin layer chromatography, the stationary phase is made of _________ and the mobile phase is made of _________

A.    Solid, liquid

B.     Liquid, liquid

C.     Liquid, gas

D.    Solid, gas


26. In which of the following type of paper, chromatography does the mobile phase move horizontally over a circular sheet of paper?


A.    Ascending paper chromatography

B.     Descending paper chromatography

C.     Radial paper chromatography

D.    Ascending – descending chromatography


27. A combination of paper chromatography and electrophoresis involves

A.    partition chromatography

B.     electrical mobility of the ionic species

C.     both (1) and (2)

D.    none of these


28. Thin layer chromatography is

A.    partition chromatography

B.     electrical mobility of ionic species

C.     adsorption chromatography

D.    none of the above

1. D

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. C


7. B

8. D

9. B

10. D

11. C




15. D

16. A

17. A


19. B

20. A

21. B

22. C

23. B

24. B

25. A

26. C

27. C

28. C








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