MCQ I Biotechnology I Plant tissue culture



                               MCQ I Plant Tissue Culture I  Biotechnology

1. Micro propagation involves

(a)   vegetative multiplication of plants by using micro-organisms.

(b)   vegetative multiplication of plants by using small explants.

(c)    vegetative multiplication of plants by using microspores.

(d)   Non-vegetative multiplication of plants by using microspores and megaspores.


2.Who is known as the father of tissue culture?

(a) Bonner

(b) Laibach

(c) Haberlandt

(d) Gautheret

3. The production of secondary metabolites requires the use of ________.

(a) Meristem

(b) Protoplast

(c) Axillary buds

(d) Cell suspension


4. The pair of hormones required for a callus to differentiate are________.

(a) Ethylene and Auxin

(b) Auxin and cytokinin

(c) Auxin and Abscisic acid

(d) Cytokinin and gibberellin


5. The ability of the component cells of callus to form a whole plant is known as

(a)   redifferentiation

(b)   dedifferentiation

(c)    either (a) or (b)

(d)   none of these


6. What is Dimethyl sulfoxide used for?

(a) A gelling agent

(b) Cryoprotectant

(c) Chelating agent

(d) An Alkylating agent


7. The formation of embryoids from the pollen grains in the tissue culture medium is due to ________.

(a) Organogenesis

(b) Test tube culture

(c) Double fertilization

(d) Cellular totipotency


8. Somaclonal variations are the ones

(a)       Caused by mutagens

(b)       Produce during tissue culture

(c)       Caused by gamma rays

(d)     Induced during sexual embryogeny

9. Which of the following plant cell will show totipotency?

(a)               Xylem vessels

(b)               Sieve tube

(c)                Meristem

(d)               Cork cells

10. Which vector is mostly used in crop improvement?

a) Plasmid

b) Cosmid

c) Phasmid

d) Agrobacterium


11. Synthetic seeds are produced by the encapsulation of somatic embryos with___________.

(a) Sodium acetate

(b) Sodium nitrate

(c) Sodium chloride

(d) Sodium alginate


12. Totipotency refers to ___________.

(a) Development of fruits from flowers in a culture

(b) Development of an organ from a cell in a culture medium

(c) Flowering in a culture medium

(d) All of the above


13. Which of the following is the main application of embryo culture?

(a) Clonal propagation

(b) Production of embryoids

(c) Induction of somaclonal variations

(d) Overcoming hybridisation barriers


14. In tissue culture of parenchyma, mitosis is accelerated in the presence of ________.

(a) Auxin

(b) Cytokinin

(c) Gibberellin

(d) Both auxin and cytokinin

15. Which breeding method uses a chemical to strip the cell wall of plant cells of two sexually incompatible species?

(a)   Mass selection

(b)   Protoplast fusion

(c)    Transformation

(d)   Transpiration

16. Cell fusion method includes the preparation of large number of

(a)   plant cells stripped of their cell wall

(b)   single plant cell stripped of their cell wall

(c)    plant cells with cell wall

(d)   cells from different species


17. Subculturing is similar to propagation by cuttings because

(a)   it separates multiple microshoots and places them in a medium

(b)   it uses scions to produce new microshoots

(c)    they both use in vitro growing conditions

(d)   all of the above


18. When plated only in nutrient medium, how much time is required for the protoplast to synthesize new cell wall?

(a)   2-5 days

(b)   5-10 days

(c)    10-15 days

(d)   15-17 days


19. Agrobacterium based gene transfer is efficient

(a)   only with dicots

(b)   only with monocots

(c)    with both monocots and dicots

(d)   with majority monocots and few dicots


20. Part of plant used for culturing is called

(a)               Scion

(b)               Explant

(c)                Stock

(d)               Callus



21. In which of the following conditions do the somaclonal variations appear?

(a) Plants raised in tissue culture

(b) Plants exposed to gamma rays

(c) Plants growing in polluted soil or water

(d) Plants transferred by a recombinant DNA technology.


22. Haploid plants can be obtained from________.

(a) Anther culture

(b) Bud culture

(c) Leaf culture

(d) Root culture

23. In-plant tissue culture, the callus tissues are generated into a complete plantlet by altering the concentration________.

(a) Sugars

(b) Hormones

(c) Amino Acids

(d) Vitamins and minerals


24. Which of the following is cultured to obtain haploid plants?

(a) Embryo

(b) Nucleus

(c) Apical bud

(d) Entire anther


25. Growth hormone producing apical dominance is

(a)               Auxin

(b)               Gibberellin

(c)                Ethylene

(d)               Cytokinin


26. A medium which is composed of chemically defined compound is called

(a)   Natural media

(b)   Synthetic media

(c)    Artificial media

(d)   None of these


27. To obtain haploid plant, we culture

(a)            Entire anther

(b)            Nucleus

(c)             Embryo

(d)            Apical bud


28. Which of the following vectors is used in crop improvement and crop management?

(a) Agrobacterium

(b) Plasmid

(c) Cosmid

(d) Phasmid


29. Which of the following growth hormones produces apical dominance?

(a) Ethylene

(b) Cytokinin

(c) Auxin

(d) Gibberellin


30. Cybrids are produced by

(a) The nucleus of one species but cytoplasm from both the parent species

(b) The fusion of two same nuclei from the same species

(c) The fusion of two different nuclei from different species

(d) None of the above


31. Which of the following mediums is composed of chemically defined compounds?

(a) Natural media

(b) Artificial media

(c) Synthetic media

(d) None of the above


32. Which of the following chemicals are most widely used for protoplast fusion?

(a) Mannitol

(b) Polyethylene glycol

(c) Sorbitol

(d) Mannol


33. Which of the following plant cells shows totipotency?

(a) Cork cells

(b) Meristem

(c) Sieve tube

(d) Xylem vessels


34. What is Callus?

(a) Tissues that grow to form an embryoid

(b) An unorganised actively dividing the mass of cells maintained in a culture

(c) An insoluble carbohydrate

(d) A tissue that grows from an embryo


35. In tissue culture system, this is the main effect of cytokines

(a) shoot elongation

(b) adventitious root formation

(c) induction of somatic embryos

(d) adventitious shoot formation


36.  Which of the following statement is incorrect about agar?

(a) Remains stable at incubation temperature

(b) Does not react with media constituents

(c) Does not use in micropropagation work

(d) Not digested by plant enzymes


37. This is not a basic component of culture media for plant cultivation

(a) amino acids

(b) sucrose/sugar

(c) a complex mixture of salts

(d) serum albumin


38. Which of the following plant propagation method uses girdling?

(a) cuttings

(b) grafting

(c) layering

(d) both (a) and (b)


39. The ability of single cells to divide and produce all differentiated cells in the entity.

(a) Totipotency

(b) Multipotent

(c) Pluripotent

(d) Unipotent


40. Which of the following is the first transgenic crop?

(a) flax

(b) tobacco

(c) plastic

(d) cotton


41. Which of the following is not a feature of plant cells?

(a) Consists of plastids

(b) Cell wall outside the cell membrane

(c) Presence of centrioles

(d) Cell-cell communication through plasmodesmata


42. Which of the following is a superbug?

(a) virus

(b) bacteria

(c) transgenic plant

(d) worms

43. The time duration for sterilization process by using autoclave is ______ minutes and the temperature is _______

(a)   10 to 30 minutes and 125° C

(b)   15 to 30 minutes and 121° C

(c)    15 to 20 minutes and 125° C

(d)   10 to 20 minutes and 121° C

44. Select the incorrect statement from given statement

(a)   A tonic used for cardiac arrest is obtained from Digitalis purpuria

(b)   Medicine used to treat Rheumatic pain is extracted from Capsicum annum

(c)    An anti malarial drug is isolated from Cinchona officinalis.

(d)   Anti-carcinogenic property is not seen in Catharanthus roseus.

45. Virus free plants are developed from

(a)   Organ culture

(b)   Meristem culture

(c)    Protoplast culture

(d)   Cell suspension culture


46. This is a cellular totipotency property.

(a) plants

(b) animals

(c) virus

(d) none of the above


47. Growth of plant tissues in artificial media is called _______.

(a) cell hybridization

(b) plant tissue culture

(c) transgenesis

(d) gene expression


48. A plant cell is a prokaryotic cell.
(a) True
(b) False

49. Which of the following is NOT the feature of plant cells?
(a) Presence of centrioles
(b) The cell wall outside the cell membrane
(c) Cell-cell communication through plasmodesmata
(d) Consists of plastids

50. Name the term given to the ability of single cells to divide and produce all the differentiated cell in the organism?
(a) Unipotent
(b) Pluripotent
(c) Multipotent
(d) Totipotency

51. Out of the following, which one is NOT the basic component of culture media used for plant cultivation?
(a) Complex mixture of salts
(b) Amino acids
(c) Serum albumin
(d) Sugar/ sucrose


52. Mark the INCORRECT statement about agar, a gelling agent in plant tissue culture medium?
(a) Not digested by plant enzymes
(b) It does not use in microprapogation work
(c) It does not react with media constituents
(d) Remain stable at incubation temperature

53. Which of the following is NOT a plant growth regulator?
(a) Auxin
(b) Cytokinins
(c) Abcisic acid
(d) Polyphenols

54. Which of the following is the main effect of cytokines in the tissue culture system?
(a) Adventitious shoot formation
(b) Induction of somatic embryos
(c) Adventitious root formation
(d) Shoot elongation

55. Which one of them is NOT the main effect of polyamines in the tissue culture system?
(a) Promotion of tuber and bulb formation
(b) Adventitious root formation
(c) Promotion of shoot formation
(d) Somatic embryogenesis

56. Which of the following plant hormone control fruit ripening?
(a) Ethylene
(b) Auxin
(c) Gibbrellins
(d) Abscisis acid

57. Totipotency refers to

(a)  capacity to generate genetically identical plants.

(b)  capacity to generate a whole plant from any plant cell / explant.

(c)  capacity to generate hybrid protoplasts.

(d)  recovery of healthy plants from diseased plants.

58. The prevention of large scale loss of biological interity

(a)   Biopatent

(b)   Bioethics

(c)    Biosafety

(d)   Biofuel

59. Cryopreservation means it is a process to preserve plant cells, tissues or organs

(a)   at very low temperature by using ether.

(b)   at very high temperature by using liquid nitrogen

(c)    at very low temperature of -196 by using liquid nitrogen

(d)   at very low temperature by using liquid nitrogen

60. Solidifying agent used in plant tissue culture is

(a)   Nicotinic acid

(b)   Cobaltous chloride

(c)    EDTA

(d)   Agar

61. Organogenesis is      

(a)   formation of callus tissue

(b)   formation of root and shoots on callus tissue

(c)    both (a) and (b)

(d)   genesis of organs


62. Which of the following is used in the culture of regenerating protoplasts, single cells or very dilute cell suspensions?

(a)   Nurse medium

(b)   Nurse or feeder culture

(c)    Both (a) and (b)

(d)   None of these


63. In a callus culture

(a)   increasing level of cytokinin to a callus induces shoot formation and increasing level of auxin promote root formation

(b)   increasing level of auxin to a callus induces shoot formation and increasing level of cytokinin promote root formation

(c)    auxins and cytokinins are not required

(d)   only auxin is required for root and shoot formation

64. Protoplasts are the cells devoid of

(a)   cell membrane

(b)   cell wall

(c)    both cell wall and cell membrane

(d)   none of these.



1. b

2.   c

3. d

4. b

5.  a

6. b

7.  d

8. b

9. c

10. d

11. d

12. b

13. d

14. d

15. b

16. b

17. a


19. a

20. b

21. a

22. a

23. b

24. d

25. a

26. b

27. a

28. a

29. c

30. a

31. c

32. b

33. b

34. b

35. d

36. c

37. d

38. c

39. a

40. b

41. c

42. b

43. b

44. d

45. b

46. a

47. b

48. b

49. a

50. d

51. c

52. b

53. d

54. a

55. a

56. a

57. b

58. c

59. c

60. d

61. b

62. c

63. a

64. b


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