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1. The stationary phase used in gel permeation chromatography is -  (GATE 2002)

(A) Alumina

(B) Squalene

(C) Charcoal

(D) Styrene divinyl benzyl copolymer


2. Derivatization is done in G.C (GATE 2002)

(A) to convert a less polar compound to a more polar compound

(B) to make the compound non-volatile

(C) to convert a polar compound to less polar compound

(D) to liquefy a solid

3. Gas chromatography techniques can be used for  (GATE 1998)

(A) Qualitative analysis only

 (B) Quantitative analysis only

(C) Both A and B

(D) None of these


4. Derivatization techniques in HPLC are intended to enhance (GATE 2004)

(A) Molecular weight

(B) Reversibility

(C) Detectability

(D) Reproducibility

5. Choose the correct semi-rigid gel used for exclusion chromatography- (GATE 2000)

(A) Sephadex

(B) Cellulose

(C) Gelatin

(D) Alumina

6. In HPLC, the analytical performance improves when -(GATE 2007)

(A) Particle diameter in increased

(B) Particle diameter is reduced

(C) Coarser particles are paired with shorter columns

(D) Low temperature is used

7. Formation of somatic embryos or embryogenic tissue directly from the plant without the formation of an intermediate callus phase is  (GATE 2006)

(A) Somatic embryogenic response

(B) Direct somatic embryogenesis

(C) Callus formation

(D) Premature germination

8. In quantitative T.L.C radioactive material can be studied by (GATE 1997)

(A) Visual comparison

(B) Gravimetry

(C) Densitometer

(D) Ginger counter

9. Silica gel used in most of adsorbent columns contains-OH group. So it is : (GATE 2005)

(A) Basic

 (B) Neutral

(C) Acidic

(D) Both acidic and basic


10.  What is the nature of mobile phase in reverse phase chromatography?(NIPER M. PHARM 2004)

(A) Polar

(B) Non polar

(C) Mixture of both

(D) Can be any it depends on the nature of analyte


11.  Partition Chromatograph is known as : (NIPER M. PHARM 2004)

(A) Solid-liquid

(B) Gas-liquid

(C) Liquid-liquid

(D) None of these


12.  What is the diameter of silica particle in HPTLC? (NIPER M. PHARM 2004)

(A) € 5um

(C) 3 50 um

 (B)  3 20 um

(D) None of these


 13. Solvent programming, also called gradient elution, involves :- (GATE 2007)

 (A) Changing the column length

(B) Using the mobile phase composition

(C) Successive injection of sample

(D) Changing the mobile phase composition


14. Ion exchange capacity of a resin is dependent on :- (GATE 2002)

(A) the total molecular weight of the resin

(B) length of the ion exchange resin

(C) the total number of ion active groups

(D) solubility of the ion exchange resins


15. One of the following conditions is maintained in programmed temperature gas chromatography

 (GATE 2001)

(A) temperature of the whole column is raised during analysis

(B) temperature at the sample injection system is raised

(C) temperature at the detector is gradually raised

(D) temperature at the recorder alone is raised


16. The pressure used in HPLC is :- (GATE 2007)

(A) 1000-3000 psi

(B) 1000-5000 psi

(C) 2000 to 6000 psi

(D) 1000 to 6000 psi


17. In gas chromatography, derivatization is desirable to (GATE 2007)

(A) improve the thermal stability of compounds

(B) enable interaction with carrier gas

(C) introduce a detector-oriented tag into the molecule

(D) remove contaminants

Identify the correct statements.

 (A) A,B

(B) B,C

(C) A, C

(D) A,D


 18. In size exelusion chromatography the stationary phases used are - (GATE 2004)

(A) Alumina

(B) Dextran

(C) Phosphate

(D) Styrene

Identify the correct statements.

(A) A,D

 (B) B,C

(C) B, D

(D) A,C


19. A monochromator is not used in: (Gate2006)

(A) U.V. spectrophotometer

(B) Spectrofluorimeter

(C) FT-IR spectrophotometer

(D) IR spectrophotometer


20. Luminescence is the term applied to: -(Gate2005)

(A) Absorbed radiation

(B) Re - emission of previously absorbed radiation

(C) Transmitted radiation

(D) Excited radiation


21. Nuclear magnetic moment is not shown by :- (Gate2004)

(A) 13C

(B) 16O

(C) 1H

(D) 15N


22. NMR is measured in:- (Niper M Pharm 2004)

(A) Hertz

(B) % Transmittance

(C) Wave number

(D) ppm


23. Tesla is a unit to express a: -(Gate2006)

(A) Frequency

(B) Voltage

(C) Pressure

(D) Magnetic field strength


24.  Ion exchange chromatography is the method of choice for the separation of-  (Gate1988)

(A) Metals

(B) Sugars

(C) Fatty acid

(D) Sterols


25. An essential requirement of the mobile phase in HPLC is that:- (Gate1988)

(A) It must have constant flow rate with pulses

(B) It must run at 20°C only

(C) It must be freshly distilled

(D) It must flow with pulses


26. Sterilization temperature for aqueous solution in autoclave (moist heat ) is: - (Gate1989)

(A) 72°C

(B) 121°C

(C) 147 C

(D) 160°C


27. The UV-visible region in the electromagnetic spectrum of radiation is:- (Gate1990)

(A) 200–400 nm

(B) 300-600 nm

(C) 200-800 nm

(D) 400-800 nm


28. Resolution of a spectrophotometer is :- (Gate1990)

(A) Its wavelength range

(B) Its ability to distinguish adjacent absorption bands

(C) Its capacity for its continuous use

(D) Its power to gather light according to source


29. Infra- red spectrometry is a convenient method for understanding of:- (Gate 1990)

(A) Drug receptor interaction

(C) Physico - chemical properties

(B) Functional group identification

(D) Conformational properties


30. The stationary phase in thin layer chromatography is: - (Gate1993)

(A) Liquid held between glass

(C) Glass plate

(B) Silica gel

(D) None of the above


31. The region of the electromagnetic spectrum below 200 nm is known as: - (Gate1994)

(A) Vacuum ultra violet region

(B) Low UV region

(C) Far UV region

(D) Microwave region


32. which one of the following chromatographic technique is most suitable for separating glu-

Cosamine from glucuronic acid ? (Gate1996)

(A) Affinity chromatography

(B) lon exchange

(C) Molecular exclusion

(D) Hydrophobic chromatography


33. The wavelength source in N.M.R. spectrometer is: - (Gate 1997)

(A) Goniometer

(B) Radio frequency oscillator

(D) Klystron oscillator

(C) High voltage generator


34. Reference compound widely used in NMR spectroscopy for proton spectra in non aqueous medium is (Gate 1998)

(A) Silane


(C) Tetramethyl silane

(D) Peroxylamide di sulphonate


35.  The chemical shift value is  (Gate1999)

A) Proportional to field strength

B) Not Proportional to field strength

(C ) Ratio to the number of protons in each group

(D) Proportional to the total number of protons


36. Energy absorbed in U.V. region produces change in the: (Gate 1999)

(A) The rotational energy of the molecule

(B) The vibrational energy of the molecule

(C) The electronic energy of the molecule

(D) All the three energy levels of the molecule


37. Characteristic bonds observed in the IR spectra of alcohols result froms-(Gate 2001)

(A) -OH and C-O stretching

B)-OH stretching

(D) C-H bending only

(C) CO stretching


38. In mass spectra the most intense peak is the-(Gate 2002)

(A) Base peak

(C) Fragment peak

(B) Metastable ion peak

(D) Rearrangement ion peak


39. Chemical shift is expressed on one of the following units: -(Gate 2002)

(A) cm-1

 (B) Amperes

(C ) Parts per million

(D) mm/ml


40. Xenon are lamp is the source of light in: - (Gate 2002)

(A) Spectrofluorimeter

(B) Flame photometer

(C) IR Spectrophotometer

(D) Calorimeter


41. A solvent used in NMR studies is:- (Gate 2003)

(A) Chloroform

(B) Acetone

(C) Carbontetrachlóride

(D) Methanol


42. Standards used for NMK is :- (Niper M Pharm2004)

(A) Tetramethyl silane

(B) Triethyl silane

(C) Trimethyl silane

(D) Tetracthyl silane


43. Bioassays are carried out to:-(Gate 2004)

(A) Measure the pharmacological activity of a drug

(B) Avoid clinical trials for a new drug

(C) Detect the impurity in a given drug

(D) Screen for pharmacogenetic influences of new drugs


44. Safranin is used as a reagent to detect: (Gate 2004)

(A) Gram negative bacteria

(B) Acid fast bacteria

(C) Gram positive bacteria

(D) Myxozoa


45. The parameter in the elution curve that is proportional to the concentration of a compound in gas chromatographic effluent is the: - (Gate 2004)

(A) Width of peak

(B) Shape of the peak

(C) Number of peaks

(D) Area under the peak


46. In mass spectroscopy positively charged ions can be produced by:- (Gate2005)

(A) Heating of the sample

B) Bombarding the sample with high energy electrons

(C) Bombarding the sample with high energy protons

(D) Chemical ionization


(B) B,C

(C) C,D

(D) A,D


47. The principle of ELISA is based on these two observation (Gate 2007)

(A) Antibodies and antigens can attach to solid phase supports and still maintain their full

immunological capabilities

(B) Antibodies complex with enzymes allowing full separation of antigen molecules

(C) Antigens and antibodies can be bonded to enzymes and resulting complexes are still fully

functional both immunologically and enzymatically

(D) Enzymatic action is crucial for converting the antigens to render them euitable for binding,


(A) A,B

(B) AC

(C) B,C

(D) B, D


48. In NMR spectrometery the chemical shift is expressed in (Gate 2008)

 (A) Parts per million

(C) Tesla

 (B) Gauss

(D) Hertz


49. In chromatographic separation the different species in the sample undergo the process of

(Gate 2008)

(A) Chemical interaction

(B) Partition

(C) Volatilization

(D) lonization


50. A target material used in the production of X- rays is:- (Gate 2008)

(B) Copper

 (A) Potassium

(C) Aluminium

(D) Sodium

51. A mass spectrum is obtained by plotting (Gate 2008)

(A) Molecular weight versus peak height

 (B) Concentration versus peak height

(C) Concentration versus degree of deflection of ion

(D) Abundance of ions versus their m/e ratio


52. NMR spectroscopy is used for determining structure in which of the following materials?

a) Radioactive materials

b) Insoluble chemical compounds

c) Liquids

d) Gases


53. NMR is the study of absorption of ____ by nuclei in a magnetic field?

A.      Radioactive radiation

B.      IR radiation

C.      Radio frequency radiation

D.      Microwaves


54. NMR spectrometer provides ____ and _____ method of determining structure in soluble chemical compounds.

A.      Accurate, destructive

B.      Accurate, non-destructive

C.      Inaccurate, destructive

D.      Inaccurate, non-destructive


55. NMR spectroscopy indicates the chemical nature of the ____ and spatial positions of--

 A.      Electrons, Protons

B.      Neutrons, electrons

C.      Nuclei, electrons

D.      Nuclei, neighbouring nuclei


56. In NMR spectroscopy, the spinning nuclei in strong magnetic field must be irradiated by which of the following?

 A.      Perpendicular and stronger field

B.      Perpendicular and weaker field

C.      Parallel and stronger field

D.      Parallel and weaker field


57. Interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation can be observed by subjecting a substance to magnetic fields in which of the following manner?

 A.      Both fields should be stationary

B.      Both fields should be varying

C.      One field should be stationary and the other should be varying

D.      It must be subjected to only one field


58. When energy is absorbed by the sample, the absorption can be observed as a change in signal developed by which of the following components?

 A.      Amplifier

B.      Photodetector

C.      GM counter

D.      Radiofrequency detector


59. Which of the following are considered to be the lowest form of Electromagnetic radiation?

 A.      IR radiation

B.      Micro waves

C.      UV radiation

D.      Radio waves


60. The amount of energy available in radio frequency radiation is sufficient for which of the following?

 A.      Excite an atom

B.      Vibrate an atom

C.      Vibrate a molecule

D.      Affect the nuclear spin of an atom


61. Nuclei having either the number of protons or neutrons as odd have ___ spin.

 A.      Integral spin

B.      Half integral spin

C.      Zero spin

D.      Positive spin


62. If the number of protons or neutrons is even the spin of the nucleus will be which of the following?

 A.      Integral spin

B.      Half integral spin

C.      Zero spin

D.      Positive spin


63. The difference between the field necessary for resonance in the sample and in some arbitrary chosen compound is which of the following?

 A.      Field shift

B.      Matrix effects

C.      Chemical shift

D.      Resonance shift


64. Chemical shift allows a chemist to obtain the idea of how atoms are joined together.

A.      True

B.      False

65. Elementary particles such as electrons and nucleus have the property of spin.

 A.      True

B.      False


1.  D

2.   D

3.  C

4.  C

5.   A

6.  B

7.  B

8.  D

9.  C

10.  A

11.  C

12.  A

13.  D

14. C

15.  A

16.  D

17.  C

18.  C

19.  C

20.   B

21.  B

22.  D

23.  D

24. A

25.  A

26.  B

27.  C

28.  B

29.  B

30.  B

31.  C

32. B

33. B

34.  C

35. A

36.  D

37.  B

38. A

39.  C

40.  A

41. C

42. A

43. A

44.  B

45.  D

46.  B

47. D

48. A  

49.  B

50.  C

51. D

52.  C

53.  C

54.  B

55. D

56.  B

57. C

58. D

59. D

60.  D

61. B

62. C

63.  C

64.  A

65.  A









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